I had a game on Saturday in my local store. I played my
ultramarines army, and my opponent played Dark Angels with Imperial Guard
Sorry I didn’t make any pictures, my phone didn’t have
enough battery.
My list is the usual one, you can find it here.
My opponent list:
Space marine librarian.
two tactical squads with plasma guns in two rhinos.
Two ravenwing bikes squads, one of them with flamers.
One ravenwing command squad on bikes, including a
Attack bike with multi melta.
Land speeder with
typhoon missile launcher.
One IG Infantry platoon, 25 guards with 3 laser
cannons, and master of the Ordnance.
Infantry guard squad.
Company command squad with 5 grenade launcher, with a
Ordnance battery with 3 Griffons.
It was my worst game ever. My opponent knew his army
perfectly, and how to use it; and he also knew my army, and how to act against
it. He hammered my Sternguard from the first round, trying to kill them ASAP.
The battlefield had a big two levels building in the
north west area then one small aegis defence line. Another Aegis line was in
the center, with a gas deposit to the east. A small one level building, that
looked like a small bastion was on the south west area, and to the east there
was a big ruined building with a crater inside.
The mission was Crusade, and
we got four objectives, so we placed two objectives each. My opponent put one
in the south corner of the big building on the north side of the battlefield,
and another one in the center, close to an Aegis fortification. I had already decided
(a big mistake, without knowing where the objectives were, or who would move
first) that I would deploy on the south part of the table if I could, so I put
an objective in the south part of the tower building, and another one in the
east part of the table, close to a gas deposit.
Then, I came to pick sides,
and chose the south side of the table (as I already have thought). This side
had a tower building, and a big ruined building with a crater inside. Thinking
about it retrospectively, it should have chosen the north side, not because it
offered more cover, but because the big building provided enough cover to the
whole IG platoon; and have my opponent deployed in the south part of the table,
the IG platoon would have been in cover only partially at best.
I got the warlord trait that
allows him to out flank, but considering that I could come by the left part of
the table, where there was nothing but a lot of empty terrain, I chose not to
use it. I don't remember my opponent trait. One of his psykers gets “Misfortune”.
To continue with my
(terrible) deployment; I totally ignored that my opponent got the first turn,
and deployed as if I was going to move first. So, I splitted my 3 tactical
squads in battle squads. I put one with the missile launcher behind the tower,
so in my first turn they could move in the tower and have a better line of
sight, and I will also control the objective. Then, I put the squad with a
flamer, just behind them the first Sternguard squad, and behind them the
command squad plus the captain. They were close to the tower, but in the open,
and all of them packed together, as close as miniatures allowed. Smart, uh?
Then I deployed another 5
men squad with a missile launcher, and behind them, the vanguard squad on feet.
At least these two squads very partially covered from the bikes by the building
with the crater in it.
In the crater I put the Sternguard
unit, so at least they got a +4 cover save, but any unit in the enemy army
could see it.
In the right flank, I put
two 5 men squad, one with a melta gun and then one with the flamer, (forming a
perfect line) and behind them, on top of the hill, my other squad with missile
I then give some thought
(clearly not enough) to where to deploy my Scouts, and I put them behind the
Gas deposit, and close to the objective. My plan was to shoot at the bikes as
soon as I can, hoping to hurt them with my Hellfire heavy bolter rounds.
I kept the Flyer and my
vanguard squad with jump packs in reserves.
So, here is an important
lesson: "know your enemy". I never played the Dark Angels before, so
I didn't know the Ravenwing bikes have the scouts rule. So, because of that
rule, and the turbo boost, my opponent moved forward all the bikes 12 inches
closer to me. That wasn't good...
First turn
First move was for the Dark
Angels. Thanks to the scout move, the bike squads were much closer, and the
bike squad with the flamers moved around the gas deposit, so they will shoot at
my scouts with the 2 flamers they have.
The rhinos, the land speeder
and the rest of the bikes move forward as well.
He tried to use the psychic
power that his on foot psyker got, Misfortune, which makes the unit targeted to
re-roll all successful armor/cover saves, but I was able to deny the witch,
thanks to the dice Gods.
The shooting phase was
perfect...for him. To start, he burned to ashes my scout unit, just gone. And 1
VP for First blood for him.
He was clearly worried about
my Sternguard, so he focused on them. the one close to the tower got the 3
shots of the Griffons and the one from the master of the ordnance. And, as you
remember, they were very close to another 5 men squad and the command squad. As
a result, I lost one marine from the 5 guys squad, the Company champion and the
apothecary (even with Feel no pain)...and the whole Sternguard squad. They
didn't have a chance to shoot.
Then he focused in the other
Sternguard squad. The platoon used the "First line shoot! Second line
shoot!" order to shot at them. I was lucky they were not at shot range,
but even then my guys got 26 laser gun shots, plus 3 laser cannons. I passed
all my cover saves but 1, which was quite amazing. Then, the landspeeder, the
two bike squads and the snapshots from the rhinos shot at my Sternguard again.
Even with all those missiles, plasma shots and multimelta, I only lose one guy.
My opponent praises my save rolls.
I thought, well, that was
bad, but I can still recover from that. That's when luck laughed at my face.
I moved all my units ahead
as planned, except for the ones with the missile launchers and the Sternguard
in the crater (oh, wait! there is only one Sternguard unit left now, no need to
specify :P )
The guys with the missile
launcher close to the tower move to the roof of the tower and take control of
the objective.
I started the shooting phase
with the Sternguard, and they killed two bikes thanks to the Hellfire rounds.
Not too bad. Then I shoot with my marines on the left against the other squad,
they were too far for rapid fire, but still, I managed to get one bike down
from the second squad. Then, I shot to the bikes with the flamers with my 5
guys squad+flamer. They are at shot range, so rapid fire. They fail miserably. 8
bolter shots + 2 wounds from the flamer, and no one died. I shot against them
also with the marine squad in the hill. The bolters did nothing and the missile
launcher killed one guy with a frag missile. Awesome.
My melta gun shots at the
rhino. Penetrating hit! IT explodes!! I start thinking: that is great! and I
believed I could make him have some heavy loses. The explosion radius is
6", so the attack bike is affected, and loses one wound. Then, the guys
inside the rhino are affected by the explosion...and no one gets hurt. I blame
my luck, all loud. BIG mistake.
Only my Vanguard squad has
not shot yet, and is close to the bikes now, so I will try to charge them.
First I shot, doing nothing, and then, on the charge phase, I roll to charge. A
One and a Two. And I lose one guy because of the snapshots.
That was the end of my
good turn.
Yeah, it gets that bad.
Second turn.
The Vendetta comes in from
reserves, and the bikes move forward. I have two marine squads in a line, so with
a bit of smart positioning from my opponent, both flamers in the bikes can
shoot at all of them.
The squad that was inside
the wrecked Rhino moves forward and takes the objective in the aegis line, so
they have the objective and they are in cover. The other squad stays in the Rhino,
who moves forward 6" so they can shoot the plasma gun from inside.
The rest of the bikes move
closer to my squads in the right side, shooting at them. Again, my luck with
the armor saves (they are in the open) is amazing. With all the shouting from
the bikes left(including 8 wounds from the flamer) I only lose 2 guys, one from
each squad.
The psyker uses his Misfortune psychic
power again, this time against the Vanguard squad (yeah, those guys that failed
their charge and in the open now). I failed the deny the witch roll, so they
have to re-roll successful saves. Awesome.
Then, shooting again against
the Sternguard. The psyker in the bike has an auspex and uses it against them,
so they have -1 to their cover saves, and then all the 3 griffons and the master
of Ordnance shoot at them. Gone.
Next, the vanguard squad.
The attack bike, the marine squad, the Landspeeder and the Vendetta shot at
them. Affected by the psychic power, even with my good armor saves, they
We start the assault phase.
The combat goes awful for my guys, and I lose both squads, only 1 guy left in
combat with the psyker. I didn’t kill anyone. Lame, but expected.
Beginning of my second turn:
I roll for leadership test, and made all of them. Then, reserves (have I mentioned
I am terrible with reserves?). The Stormtalon failed the roll, but my vanguard
squad deep strikes. I put them in front of the bikes, and my opponent mentions
that I can’t charge them if I deep strike. I remember him of the Heroic Intervention
rule. So I roll to scatter…and they deep strike in top of the bikes. I roll in
the mishap table, and got “misplaced”. My opponent thinks he has the battle won
(and he does), so instead of placing them in the far south west corner, he puts
them in front of the IG, at enough distance so they can’t charge them, but the IG can shot them all dead with their ranks fire in the next turn...
I place the squad there, and
immediately start measuring…they can’t charge the IG…but one of my minis is
exactly 11 inches away from the closest enemy space marine squad, the one that
came from the wrecked rhino. It is (very) difficult,
but as I have the jump packs I can re-roll it. The only bad thing is that, if I
shot at them with any unit, that guy is the closest and would be the first to
die, so I can’t shoot at that unit (and remember the unit is holding an objective).
So shooting phase, lame. I can’t
shoot with my command squad at the marines and I tried but I can’t hurt the rhino. The psyker
in the bike is in combat, so can’t shot at him, and the rest of the shooting is
Assault phase, I can charge
the enemy marine squad with what is left of my command squad (captain and
battle banner), and my vanguard squad with jump packs. I roll for the command
squad first: they are at 5 inches, so I am sure they are going to make it, and
the captain has more chances to survive the overwatch fire. The roll fails, and
my battle banner dies because of the overwatch. Then, my vanguard squad also fails
the roll, and the re-roll.
At that point (just end of
the second turn) the result of the game was clear, but we keep on playing. The
psyker in the bike kills the marine left from my squad and moves closer to the next
marine squad.
Third turn
The griffons kill the
captain, and the IG, who moved closer to be in short range, shoots the vanguard
squad (who were targeted with the Misfortune psychic power) and they die. The bikes
charge against my marine squad on the left flank, and kill them all.
I roll reserves for my
Stormtalon and he didn’t appear. All I have left is a 5 unit squad (the one in
the tower) and they are holding a objective, but I surrender.
Terrible deployment, bad
decisions, and worse luck, the recipe for disaster. I didn’t know some stuff,
like it’s not safe deep striking too close to an enemy unit (I was sure I would
get a terrible roll in the charge and tried to keep them close, so I deep
strike only 4 inches away from the bikers). That’s the kind of things you learn
from playing.
What would you have done differently?
I would have deployed in the other side of the table, so I could deny the cover
to the IG platoon, and also put all my units under cover. A basic rule I must remember is “you can’t
see it, you can’t shoot at it”.
I am not sure about my
Stormtalon. It’s not very expensive in points, and worries all my enemies, but
so far the results of the 3 battles he has taken part it are quite bad. Not sure
if it’s worth it, but I like the mini and the different strategy that it brings
with it, so I would keep it for another couple of games at least. Especially if
we consider I am painting a second one….
anyway, it was a very fun game, and my opponent was a nice guy, it was good to play against him.
I have another game on Saturday evening...let's see what happens
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