Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ultramarines 1750 Army list

During a Tale of Gamers challenge in my local store I built and painted an Ultramarines army. 

For those of you that don't know what it is, a Tale of Gamers is a challenge where a group of players organize a friendly competition, with a clear schedule, to collect an army and play with it. In this case, we had 4 weeks to paint 400 points. Then 6 weeks to paint 600 points more, and then another 6 weeks to paint another 750 points. We were organized in teams of two, and at the end of each period, we would play a game against another team. Points are given to each player depending on aspects like:
  • Having all the minis painted (with at least 3 colours, so no one paints them just in black)
  • Having the minis based. 
  • Having completed the required points
  • Result of the game.

In our challenge, we were 11 teams of two and 3 guys who played solo. I made a team with my friend BJ (who speaks Spanish, and also Dutch...this one is not necessary, as everybody speaks English but sometimes it's helpful)

So after this Tale of Gamers, this is my army list:


Space Marine Captain in Power Armour. Combi-melta, Relic Blade.

Command Squad: Apothecary, Company Champion with power weapon and combat shield, Company Standard, plasma gun, plasma pistol, power fist


Scout Squad, bolters, Heavy bolter.

Tactical Squad 1: missile launcher, flamer.

Tactical Squad 2: missile launcher, flamer, combi-melta.

Tactical Squad 3: missile launcher, melta gun.


Sternguard Veteran Squad 1

Sternguard Veteran Squad 2: combi-melta.

Fast Attack:

Stormtalon with Typhoon missile launcher.

Vanguard squad 1: power fist, power axe, Lightning Claw (x2).

Vanguard squad 2: jump pack, Power Sword, power fist. 

Some comments about the list: I have like 20 terminators in my current Space Wolves army, so I didn't want more terminators in this one. And I really like the Stormtalon model, honestly I started this army because of this model. 

I think it is a well balanced list. I have plenty of models (60, which is usually a lot for a Space Marines army), I have no vehicles apart from the flyer (I think they have lost some punch in 6th edition), I have a lot of units that can take objectives (if I split the tactic squads, I have 7 units able to score). Probably it has too many small units, so I am considering removing one of the missile launchers and keeping a squad with 10 men who can move forward at a good pace and fight for the center of the table. 

many of the lists I see around are 2000 points. So, what do you think I should add to this army? What am I missing? How can I improve it?

here, the pictures:


Space Marine Captain in Power Armour. Combi-melta, Relic Blade. (He lost his backpack during a battle. I am currently painting a new one).

Command Squad: Apothecary, Company Champion with power weapon and combat shield, Company Standard, plasma gun, plasma pistol, power fist


Scout Squad, bolters, Heavy bolter. 

Tactical Squad 1: missile launcher, flamer.

Tactical Squad 2: missile launcher, flamer, combi-melta.

Tactical Squad 3: missile launcher, melta gun.


Sternguard Veteran Squad 1

Sternguard Veteran Squad 2: combi-melta. 

Fast Attack:

Stormtalon with Typhoon missile launcher. 

Vanguard squad 1: power fist, power axe, Lightning Claw (x2).

Vanguard squad 2: jump pack, Power Sword, power fist.

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